Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Details for Mechanism ID: 1350
Country/Region: Caribbean Region
Year: 2008
Main Partner: Baylor College of Medicine
Main Partner Program: International Pediatric AIDS Initiative
Organizational Type: University
Funding Agency: enumerations.HHS
Total Funding: $350,000

Funding for Treatment: Adult Treatment (HTXS): $350,000

Result: strengthened institutional capacity to deliver ARV services; strengthening human resource capacity

to deliver ARV clinical care services

The Baylor Children's Clinical Center of Excellence (COE) was opened on June 20, 2003. The Center is a

collaborative public-private partnership. Conceptualized by Baylor School of Medicine and the Government

of Botswana, construction and equipment were funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb, a private pharmaceutical

company. The Baylor COE is integrated with the national MASA ARV program; ARV drugs and other

commodities are mainly procured by the government of Botswana.

Input: The USG will provide financial assistance to Baylor COE.

Activities/Outputs: Currently, 1,000 children and 82 families are registered for Highly Active Antiretroviral

therapy (HAART) through the COE and a daily HIV screening attends to 20 to 30 patients. The COE

routinely hosts health professionals to broaden their clinical experience in dealing with HIV-infected

children. In 2003, the COE played a key role in reviewing the old KITSO (Knowledge, Information, Training

Shall Overcome AIDS) training program and in developing the current and more comprehensive KITSO

training plan. This activity was funded by HHS/CDC. HHS/CDC BOTUSA is supporting the position of an

HIV/AIDS training coordinator at the COE. The coordinator is charged with the oversight and coordination of

all pediatric HIV training that takes place at the COE. In addition, the COE orients all the doctors and nurses

to pediatric HIV care in Botswana. Under the direction of the COE training coordinator, the COE staff, the

Department of Pediatrics at Princess Marina Hospital and the Botswana Network on Ethics, Law and HIV/

AIDS (BONELA) have developed advanced pediatric training course to support the national roll out of

treatment in Botswana. Implementation of the KITSO-Baylor Training course will continue in 2005 with the

USG financial assistance. Baylor will implement the ‘Advanced Pediatric HIV/AIDS training" to additional

sites in accordance with the KITSO national curriculum and the MASA program.

Outcomes: Provision of comprehensive care to HIV infected children and their parents, and training of

health professionals in HIV care and clinical research.